The regional FSTP Community of Practice succeeded in gathering for the third time in the live form of the annual meeting. The meeting was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 6 – 7 November 2024. Fifty representatives of FSTP implementors, including several recipients of the sub-granting support, discussed the current practices, focusing on the organisational changes at the level of FSTP implementors and the effects visible due to the provision of small grants support to CSOs in the Western Balkans and Türkiye region.
View moreThe manual on grantmaking, published in Croatian, describes the grant-making process with practical examples, instructions, and a sample of forms.
View moreThe second Annual FSTP Community of Practice meeting was organised to reflect on the achievements in the past year, discuss the key issues and regional practices in grant management, and share their vision of the future development of the community of practice established.
View morePresentation applied in the online training on project proposal/concept note development for EU-funded grants for CSOs in the WBT.
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