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05 May 2023
Report - Study visit to Croatia to review the participation of disadvantaged groups

Within the scope of sharing experiences with civil society in the Western Balkans, TACSO supported a study visit to Croatia to examine the mechanisms for the participation of disadvantaged groups in the constitution-building process. The study visit was designed as a part of the project “The Disadvantaged as an actor in the Constitutional Process” which is planned to be executed with the collaboration of ÖZEV, Öz-Ge Der and Cappadocia Women and Youth Association to ensure the active participation of women, children and people with disabilities to the constitutional process and related laws/regulations/statutes on a common platform.

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05 May 2023
Participation possibilities of CSOs from the sectors of environment, energy, and transport in the programming and monitoring processes of IPA II funds in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The initial group of Civil Society Organisations (CSO), to establish the BiH SECO ETE mechanism in the process of EU integration, on December 18/19 2014, organised the workshop event called "Participation possibilities of CSOs from the sectors of environment, energy, and transport in the programming and monitoring processes of IPA II funds in Bosnia and Herzegovina", within the framework of TACSO BH project support to initiatives, networks, alliances, platforms, and coalitions of CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The workshop gathered more than 40 participants, representatives of CSOs from the entire territory of BiH (Federation of BiH (FBiH), Republic of Srpska, Brcko District) aiming to develop mechanisms of communication and cooperation in the process of IPA II programming and monitoring in the sectors of environment, energy and transport.

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