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22 Jul 2024
Advanced Regional Workshop on the Development of Gender-Sensitive Indicators for FSTP Implementors, 18 – 19 July 2023, online, resource materials

This two-day workshop was conducted online for Western Balkans and Türkiye participants working to incorporate a gender mainstreaming approach into their FSTP practices. The participants worked on practical tasks to analyse how to ensure gender equality at the organisational, project, individual, and community levels. They were introduced to the gender analysis matrix at the project level and were practising developing gender-sensitive indicators.

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04 Jul 2024
DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region: 2023 Assessment

The report presents the second assessment against the revised DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027. The Guidelines outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region aspires during this seven-year period. This assessment provides evidence for the situation against the Guidelines’ indicators for 2023, presenting the situation in the region, namely in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,* Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye.

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26 Oct 2023
Training on monitoring of FSTP grant contracts, 12 - 13 October 2023, resource materials

This training was organised by the EU TACSO 3 capacity-building team to develop further and build the capacities for monitoring FSTP grant contracts based on practical examples, case studies, and peer-to-peer learning. The key topics of the training related to phases of the monitoring process, site visits as monitoring tools, issues and challenges and interpretation of data collection and reporting.

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14 Sep 2023
EU TACSO 3 Learning Brief - Experiences from Strategic Mentoring Programme  

This learning brief is based on the outcomes of a learning workshop organised by the EU TACSO 3 project in October 2022.  

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05 May 2023
FSTP Regional Workshop (6 -7 December 2022) resource materials

Presentations cover topics like FSTP, sub-granting procedures, human rights mechanism strengthening, Roma inclusion, organisational sustainability, etc.

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04 May 2023
Media Relations Manual for Civil Society Organisations

Among other topics, the Manual will take you through the process of making a communication strategy, identifying stakeholders, defining messages, developing media relations and writing for the media and web. With the development of social media and open sources available on the Internet, the Manual represents an overview of the communication tools available in that area with included numerous tips, recommendations and examples.

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04 May 2023
Assessment on the State of the Enabling Environment and Capacities of Civil Society against the Guidelines for EU support to Civil Society in Enlargement Region, 20142020 for the period 2018-2019 - Final Report

During the autumn and winter of 2019, EU TACSO 3 conducted a thorough analysis of the state of civil society in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT). Through intense consultations with nearly 700 CSOs, public institutions, donors and other stakeholders, the findings of the research have been validated and synthesized in the form of this Report. The project targets the IPA Beneficiaries, i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. In its third phase, the EU TACSO 3 project particularly focuses on activities in which a regional approach enables a stronger impact on civil society development in each of the IPA beneficiaries.

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04 May 2023
Sustainability of Professional Journalism in the Media Business Environment of the Western Balkans

Summary of the findings of research on the economic situation, needs and prospects of independent media outlets in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), which was conducted between June and November 2019. The study revolves around an analysis of the structural conditions affecting media ownership, the commercial operating environment and the available sources of funding as well as media consumption habits and audience demand.

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04 May 2023
Trainings and Manual in Digital and ICT Tolls for CSOs i the Western Balkans and Turkey

The manual presents an overview of digital tools commonly used by CSOs each including a brief description, the purpose and the instructions, with additional resources to be explored for further learning. This Manual has sprung from both the ongoing need of civil society to digitalize and use ITC technologies in their work and the COVID-19 pandemic situation and emergency response to it, which has redefined the working environment for CSOs, who now have to work remotely both as organizations and in reaching out to their members and beneficiaries.

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04 May 2023
Information Activism, Data Collection and Data Management Comprehensive Guide

Designed for CSOs that have a higher capacity and experience in the field of data collection, analysis, and management. This publication covers the subjects of information activism, data collection, and data management with detailed instructions about the tools to be used, inspiring examples, suggestions, warnings, and resources aiming to reach out to a wider audience.

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