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05 May 2023
Croatian CSOs and Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid to Third Countries

The main objective of the assessment was to identify the capacities of Croatian CSOs and their interest in IDC & HA. This assessment could assist the Department for IDC & HA of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) in improving the participation of CSOs in the creation and implementation of programs and with consultation processes concerning IDC & HA on the EU level.

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05 May 2023
Report: Right to information focus group meeting

The Focus Group Meeting on Right to Information that was organized jointly by TACSO Turkey and STGM on 14 January 2014 in Ankara brought together sixteen participants representing 12 CSOs/ civil initiatives. The specific purpose of the meeting was to create a platform that brings together CSOs who exercise their right to information more frequently to share their opinions and experience about the legislation arranging for the Right to Access to Information and corresponding practices.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Turkey (2014)

Over the past years, CSOs have been recognized as an indispensable part of the democratization process by public organizations and other actors. However, the definition of civil society and civil society organizations (CSO) is still absent from the relevant legislation and policy documents. One of the major obstacles to freedom of association in Turkey is that the legal framework only recognizes forms of association and foundation and no other forms of organized civil action are recognized as legal entities.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Serbia (2014)

This report presents an update of the similar TACSO report carried out in 2011. The basis for the update also came from desktop research of relevant documentation, legal and financial legislation, policy documents, previous civil society mapping and recent online research (137 CSOs, networks and FPAs) as well as direct inputs provided by 51 representatives of CSOs, donor organizations, institutions and experts during the wide consultation process.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2014)

The vast majority of CSOs in Macedonia continue to be dependent on international donor funds. Collectively, foreign funding streams remain the single largest source of financial support for CSOs. The EU funds, principally through the Instrument for Pre‐accession Assistance (IPA), are now the main focus of interest for CSOs. Other larger civil society supporters are Swedish Development Cooperation (SDC) and USAID.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014)

The amount of funds allocated to CSOs and the funds available to domestic institutions vary depending on the administrative level in question. The municipalities have always been the biggest donors, while the state level has the most limited funds for financial support to CSOs.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Kosovo (2014)

This Needs Assessment Report (NAR) treats Civil Society in Kosovo from the perspective of a competing sector in the region, to reach European standards. Though the distance is long, the aspirations are evident and the first steps have already been taken. Through elaborating on relations between Civil Society and Institutions, and Civil Society and its Constituencies, NAR intends to reveal and analyze the challenges of the CSOs in advancing their capacities and their role in the society and policymaking processes in the country, as well as in transparency and accountability of the institutions.

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05 May 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility for Community Development - A Way Forward for Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 23rd and 24th of June, TACSO Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a conference on the topic of „Corporate Social Responsibility for Community Development – A Way Forward for Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, aiming to enhance mutual understanding and practice of corporative social responsibility (CSR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the involvement of all actors from academia, businesses, governmental institutions and civil society organizations.

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05 May 2023
Good Governance and Self-regulation Models for Civil Society Organisations

The report is prepared as a follow-up to the Quality Management Systems Conference organized at the regional level by TACSO in 2011. It aims to introduce to Civil Society Organizations in Turkey the different models that organizations worldwide have developed to be accountable and transparent and improve the quality of work they are performing.

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05 May 2023
Final report on implemented activities of the network Citizens for Europe

Initiative Network Citizens for Europe with the support of TACSO BIH organised two thematical and one multisectoral workshop. The first workshop „Network Communication“ was held on 18 July 2014 in Sarajevo. The second workshop „Strategic and operational positioning“ was held on 2 September 2014 In Teslic. The third workshop „The progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union – Identification of areas for sectoral cooperation between governmental institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders“ was held on 11 December 2014, as a final network activity.

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