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05 May 2023
FSTP Regional Workshop (6 -7 December 2022) resource materials

Presentations cover topics like FSTP, sub-granting procedures, human rights mechanism strengthening, Roma inclusion, organisational sustainability, etc.

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05 May 2023
EU FSTP guide on good practices

The brochure presents a collection of good practices on FSTP - various existing approaches, experiences and lessons learned from the field. It is structured around three main topics: Call and Selection Procedures, Capacity Development, and Monitoring and Reporting to EU/Communication Results. The brochure is intended for civil society partners, potential future applicants, implementers of EU support and DG NEAR staff in delegations and headquarters.

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05 May 2023
Grant Reporting Webinar (3 - 4 November 2022)

The webinar contributed to sharing knowledge and experiences regarding grant narrative and financial reporting. It also aimed to contribute to the capacity building of the CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey and to improve reporting skills and the quality of the reports.

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05 May 2023
Human Rights Based Approach and Gender Mainstreamning Basic Training

This training programme for CSOs in Turkey and Western Balkans aimed to highlight the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality by developing and implementing strategies, activities and practices that promote human rights, dignity, equality, non-discrimination, and social justice. The training also aimed to strengthen the organizational development of CSOs to internalise an inclusive perspective and HRBA by taking into account the principle of the intersectionality of rights. Additionally, it encouraged the adoption of a rights-based perspective and gender equality in all CSO activities, in particular humanitarian aid, giving-based activities, service provision in emergency response.

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05 May 2023
Human Rights Based Approach and Gender Mainstreamning Advanced Training

This training programme for CSOs in Turkey and Western Balkans aimed to encourage CSOs to integrate human rights principles and gender equality into their internal policies and operational activities. CSOs were also encouraged to become more inclusive and participatory in terms of respecting, protecting and fulfilling the full range of human rights.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Montenegro (2010)

There is a considerable number of funding sources available to CSOs in Montenegro, but the total amounts of money on offer are modest. The Needs Assessment Report focuses on each country’s specific information gathering and analysis of the institutional areas that need to be strengthened. The report also highlights the capabilities of the country’s CSOs. This assessment allows for each country to make a more tailored strategy to apply to better support the CSOs.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Albania (2010)

Albania is unusual in not requiring a minimum endowment for the registration of foundations, considerably easing their establishment. The study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of civil society in Albania and the environment that it works in, including its strengths and weaknesses, its impacts to date and the challenges it faces to its further development.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Croatia (2010)

The institutionalization of civil society-Government cooperation in Croatia began with the establishment of the GOfCNGOs in 1998. The Needs Assessment Report focuses on the country’s specific information gathering and analysis of the institutional areas that need to be strengthened. The report also highlights the capabilities of the country’s CSOs. This assessment allows for each country to make a more tailored strategy to apply to better support the CSOs.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2010)

The legal framework CSOs in Macedonia is defined by the Law on Citizen Associations and Foundations passed in 1998. The Needs Assessment Report focuses on the country’s specific information gathering and analysis of the institutional areas that need to be strengthened. The report also highlights the capabilities of the country’s CSOs. This assessment allows for each country to make a more tailored strategy to apply to better support the CSOs.

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05 May 2023
TACSO Project Inception Report

The Inception Report describes the progress made within the Project’s first few months. The Report goes into detail on accomplishments, challenges and future endeavors. The report also gives an overview of the staff and office locations.

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