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04 May 2023
Networks' Needs and Benefits of Networking: Report from the survey on identifying the needs of Macedonian networks

The creation of partnerships and strengthening the networking of civil society organizations is one of the priorities of the TACSO project. Therefore, in the period July 2015 – February 2016, the Macedonian TACSO office and the resource center in Macedonia, TACSO by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) conducted a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the Macedonian networks which should serve as a basis for the next steps for capacity building for networking and partnership.

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04 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Kosovo (2016)

This Needs Assessment Report (NAR) treats civil society in Kosovo from the perspective of a key element in building a democratic state and an important contributor to Kosovo’s aspirations of becoming a member of the European Union. Despite Kosovo is still at the initial stages of this process, Kosovar civil society seeks to reach the best European standards not only in its internal governance but also in its relations with public institutions. Through elaborating on relations between civil society and public institutions, its constituencies and the general public, NAR intends to reveal and analyze the challenges of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in advancing their capacities and their role in society and policymaking processes in the country, as well as in transparency and accountability of the institutions.

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04 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2016)

The report aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the civil society in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the environment that the civil society works in, including its strengths and weaknesses and the challenges it faces in its further development. The report is based upon a combination of desk research embracing all relevant documentation, including legal and financial legislation applicable to civil society, situation analyses, policy documents and the Monitoring Matrix Report for Civil Society Development 2015 for Macedonia.

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04 May 2023
Lottery Proceeds for CSO Work: Luck has nothing to do with it

The analysis provides a general overview of the characteristics of public and private lotteries distributed to CSOs and presents concise examples from four EU Member States (Croatia, Ireland, United Kingdom and the Netherlands), giving an overview of the legal basis, strategies and programs for defining priorities for funding from lottery incomes, bodies, available amounts of the lottery proceeds for CSOs and areas of support, types of support as well as procedures and criteria for selection of beneficiaries. It concludes with the pros and cons when choosing a relevant model for providing financial support to CSOs from lottery proceeds.

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04 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016)

This analysis aims to review the needs assessment conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in 2014 and to update it according to TACSO 2 methodology used for Need Assessment Report (NAR). Information provided is based on the desk research of relevant documentation including the most recent studies and analysis of different aspects of the environment civil society organizations (CSOs) operate in (such as TACSO IPOSOS Civil Society Report, 2016), legislative changes, policy documents, conference reports etc. In this way, all mentioned stakeholders, primarily CSOs contributed to the report through their active involvement in other country-wide processes by providing inputs, identifying the needs and presenting the statements on a general overview of the state of civil society in BiH, as well as prospects for possible improvements.

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04 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016)

This analysis aims to review the needs assessment conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in 2014 and to update it according to TACSO 2 methodology used for Need Assessment Report (NAR). Information provided is based on the desk research of relevant documentation including the most recent studies and analysis of different aspects of the environment civil society organizations (CSOs) operate in (such as TACSO IPOSOS Civil Society Report, 2016), legislative changes, policy documents, conference reports etc. In this way, all mentioned stakeholders, primarily CSOs contributed to the report through their active involvement in other country-wide processes by providing inputs, identifying the needs and presenting the statements on a general overview of the state of civil society in BiH, as well as prospects for possible improvements.

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04 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Albania (2016)

The revised needs assessment aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of civil society in Albania and the relevant working environment, including its strengths, weaknesses, and its impacts to date, as well as the challenges it faces in its further development. The report is based upon a combination of desk research embracing all relevant documentation, including legal and financial legislation applicable to civil society, previous and/or other civil society mappings and assessments, situation analyses, policy documents and country-specific academic literature as well as the most recent studies and analysis of different aspects of the environment civil society organizations (CSOs) operate in (such as TACSO IPSOS Civil Society Report, 2016).

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04 May 2023
Report on Regional CSO Networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey

This report has been commissioned by the Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) Project, to update the initial Report on Regional CSO Networks in the IPA countries (2011; 2012). This update is expanding on those initial findings and examines the current capacities of regional CSO networks, their formation process, accountability, added value for their members, networks’ contributions to new social values and their sustainability prospects.

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04 May 2023
Conference Report - Role and importance of LEDnet network (Network for Local Economic Development in BiH) in the process of local economic development and creating a better business environment in BiH

LEDnet network and PLOD Centre Bihać with the support of TACSO BIH, under the framework of support to networks, initiatives, coalitions, unions and CSOs platforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina that within their mission promote the continuation of P2P activities implemented by TACSO BH Office, organized on 19.10.2016. in Bihac a conference with the title: “Role and importance of LEDnet network in the process of local economic development and creating a better business environment in BiH”.

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04 May 2023
Report - Program for workshops on promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In the October-November 2016 period, TACSO BH organised four P2P Follow up events as partnership events with the Centre for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD). The general conclusion of the workshops was that civil society organizations are in a very peculiar situation and that in the upcoming period, to a smaller or greater extent, much more serious efforts will have to be invested in securing funds outside grants. It is estimated that the amounts that the organizations will have to secure for their core activities will be somewhere between 30 and 50%. Therefore, it was concluded that such activities require the standardization of services and the introduction of a quality assurance system to ensure conditions for adequate positioning.

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