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05 May 2023
TACSO Turkey Support to the Constitutional Process Report

One of the post-election priorities in Turkey has become the creation of a new constitution. The government has made this a priority and has established the Constitutional Commission within the parliament, inclusive of the different political parties in parliament, and responsible for drafting the new constitution. It is essential at this time, that civil society also become part of this process, and that mechanisms for participation are defined in advance to ensure that all groups can express their views on a new constitution.

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05 May 2023
TACSO BiH Technical Assistance Report - Investment Fair 'Bosna River Basin'

TACSO BiH provided technical assistance at the workshop session on Networking, Coalitions and Resource Centres during the Investment Fair “Bosna River Basin” in the organization of CSO TOPEER from Doboj on 20 October 2011. The session was the frame for debate with participants from CSOs/CSO networks, Doboj Municipality representatives, business environment representatives and journalists.

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05 May 2023
Report - Federation of Caucasian Associations Meeting with Local Associations to Monitor the Constitutional Process

The Federation of Caucasian Associations (KAFFED) organized local meetings to strengthen their advocacy campaign and monitoring of the inclusion of the demands submitted to the Parliamentary Compromise Commission for New Constitution by Caucasian Communities. KAFFED met with its constituencies with the support of 61 local member CSOs and shared the details of the advocacy campaign via “Constitution Meetings”.

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05 May 2023
Together we are stronger - report

Women’s Network Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with the TACSO BiH project implemented a conference on the process of strategic dialogue „Together we are stronger“ held on 21st and 22nd June 2012 in Sarajevo. This partnership event/conference was attended by 56 participants from 43 women’s organizations coming from 20 different municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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04 May 2023
Networks' Needs and Benefits of Networking: Report from the survey on identifying the needs of Macedonian networks

The creation of partnerships and strengthening the networking of civil society organizations is one of the priorities of the TACSO project. Therefore, in the period July 2015 – February 2016, the Macedonian TACSO office and the resource center in Macedonia, TACSO by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) conducted a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the Macedonian networks which should serve as a basis for the next steps for capacity building for networking and partnership.

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04 May 2023
Report on Regional CSO Networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey

This report has been commissioned by the Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) Project, to update the initial Report on Regional CSO Networks in the IPA countries (2011; 2012). This update is expanding on those initial findings and examines the current capacities of regional CSO networks, their formation process, accountability, added value for their members, networks’ contributions to new social values and their sustainability prospects.

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04 May 2023
Regional Networks and Regional EU-CSF Funded Projects - 2

Infographic produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Proyects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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04 May 2023
Regional Networks and Regional EU-CSF Funded Projects - 1

Infographic produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Proyects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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03 May 2023
Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey: Presentation of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects" Analysis

PowerPoint presentation produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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03 May 2023
Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional Projects Funded within Civil Society Facility in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT)

A publication that provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region. Information is based on research focused on mapping CSO networking and regional Civil Society Facility (EU-CSF), as well as assessment of networks' actual capacities and their capacity-building needs and of those of CSOs for networking.

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