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05 May 2023
Human Rights Based Approach and Gender Mainstreamning Basic Training

This training programme for CSOs in Turkey and Western Balkans aimed to highlight the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality by developing and implementing strategies, activities and practices that promote human rights, dignity, equality, non-discrimination, and social justice. The training also aimed to strengthen the organizational development of CSOs to internalise an inclusive perspective and HRBA by taking into account the principle of the intersectionality of rights. Additionally, it encouraged the adoption of a rights-based perspective and gender equality in all CSO activities, in particular humanitarian aid, giving-based activities, service provision in emergency response.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Montenegro (2010)

There is a considerable number of funding sources available to CSOs in Montenegro, but the total amounts of money on offer are modest. The Needs Assessment Report focuses on each country’s specific information gathering and analysis of the institutional areas that need to be strengthened. The report also highlights the capabilities of the country’s CSOs. This assessment allows for each country to make a more tailored strategy to apply to better support the CSOs.

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05 May 2023
National Training Plan - Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations in the IPA Countries - Montenegro

The national training program has included experiences in the implementation of the regional pilot trainings as well as experiences specific to Montenegro. The national training program has been developed in accordance with the Needs Assessment report, National working plan and conclusions from the Local Advisory Group. The national training program has included experiences in the implementation of the regional pilot trainings as well as experiences specific to Montenegro.

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05 May 2023
Annual Financial Report of Civil Society Organisations in Montenegro - 2010

Needs Assessment Report for CSOs in 2010 recognized the lack of transparency of CSOs. The report recommended further actions on improvement of CSOs' transparency. The main purpose of the publication “Annual Financial Reports of CSOs in Montenegro – 2010” is to contribute to the improvement of relations between civil society and external stakeholders.

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05 May 2023
TACSO Position with Civil Society Organizations, Media and Government Institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The survey is a follow-up research aimed at establishing changes that took place since the last research in 2010 and at the same time identifying new circumstances related to the current social and economic context in BiH in light of TACSO’s sphere of interest. This time the research was expanded with the method of in-depth interviews with representatives of non-governmental organizations.

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04 May 2023
Trainings and Manual in Digital and ICT Tolls for CSOs i the Western Balkans and Turkey

The manual presents an overview of digital tools commonly used by CSOs each including a brief description, the purpose and the instructions, with additional resources to be explored for further learning. This Manual has sprung from both the ongoing need of civil society to digitalize and use ITC technologies in their work and the COVID-19 pandemic situation and emergency response to it, which has redefined the working environment for CSOs, who now have to work remotely both as organizations and in reaching out to their members and beneficiaries.

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