Skills for Non-Profit Organisations in the Western Balkans and Türkiye, 21 and 22 November 2023, Tirana, Albania

The central objective of the event was to foster collaboration among stakeholders in the non-profit sector, education, and government, spanning regions from the EU and the local area. The main objectives included promoting cooperation and collaboration across various actors, countries, and regions, identifying opportunities to formalise the recognition of non-profit skills within National Qualifications Frameworks.

Main Points_P2P 2023 Year of Skills for CSOs

EU TACSO 3 - P2P 2023 EU Year of Skills Meeting Note_21-22.11.2023

Agenda P2P Nonprofit skills

Centre for Voc. Education Montenegro Lifelong Learning and Accreditation CSO Implementation by Gordana Boskovic

College of Europe Postgraduate European Studies Zoltan Illes

Erasmus innovative study programs transforming traditional education Dzenana Husremovic

Erasmus Skills Development CSOs Academia Cooperation by Ana Dervishi Mullanji

ETF FlexLearn Assurance Siria Taurelli

EU TACSO 3 Swift Review Western Balkans Turkiye Richard Allen

Masters in CS Development at SEEU in Partnership with CID Zoran Bogdanovski

NGO Academy Impulses for CS Marianne Mann

Partners Albania for Change and Development Arjola Agolli

The Wheel Skills and Non Profit Sector Mairead OConnor

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