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03 Jul 2024
Report from the Regional Workshop on Assessment of Proposals for FSTP Implementors, 16 – 18 April 2024, Pristina, Kosovo*

A comprehensive report from the Workshop on Assessment of Proposals for FSTP Implementers from the Western Balkans and Türkiye provides details from the workshop, including Q&As, case studies, some key issues raised by participants and expert's responses and recommendations provided.

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19 Feb 2024
Frequently Asked Questions on Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) within EU Cooperation - update June 2023

Many questions are often repeated among those interested in becoming FSTP implementors and those already implementing projects with included FSTP components. The European Commission combined those most repeated questions into one guiding document and published the frequently asked questions on FSTP.

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05 May 2023
Study Tour of the Government Unit for Cooperation with NGOs of the Republic ofMacedonia to the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic ofCroatia (GOfNGOs) - “Civil Society Grant Schemes Management”

In the period from 19 to 22 July 2010, representatives from the Unit for Cooperation with NGOs realized a study visit to the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Republic of Croatia. The study visit aimed to familiarize the participants with the grant schemes management system intended for the CSOs, the activities of the institutions in the Republic of Croatia that implement the projects financed by EU funds (IPA program), and the introduction of a centralized and decentralized implementation system.

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