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04 May 2023
Sustainability of Professional Journalism in the Media Business Environment of the Western Balkans

Summary of the findings of research on the economic situation, needs and prospects of independent media outlets in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), which was conducted between June and November 2019. The study revolves around an analysis of the structural conditions affecting media ownership, the commercial operating environment and the available sources of funding as well as media consumption habits and audience demand.

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04 May 2023
Trainings and Manual in Digital and ICT Tolls for CSOs i the Western Balkans and Turkey

The manual presents an overview of digital tools commonly used by CSOs each including a brief description, the purpose and the instructions, with additional resources to be explored for further learning. This Manual has sprung from both the ongoing need of civil society to digitalize and use ITC technologies in their work and the COVID-19 pandemic situation and emergency response to it, which has redefined the working environment for CSOs, who now have to work remotely both as organizations and in reaching out to their members and beneficiaries.

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04 May 2023
Information Activism, Data Collection and Data Management Comprehensive Guide

Designed for CSOs that have a higher capacity and experience in the field of data collection, analysis, and management. This publication covers the subjects of information activism, data collection, and data management with detailed instructions about the tools to be used, inspiring examples, suggestions, warnings, and resources aiming to reach out to a wider audience.

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04 May 2023
Information Activism, Data Collection and Data Management Basic Education Guide

Provides basic elements and is intended for local CSOs and grassroots organizations with less experience in the field. The content of the basic manual covers fundamental information about data management and information activism. The manual also guides the use of basic tools, inspiring examples, and resources.

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04 May 2023
Regional Networks and Regional EU-CSF Funded Projects - 2

Infographic produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Proyects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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04 May 2023
Regional Networks and Regional EU-CSF Funded Projects - 1

Infographic produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Proyects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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03 May 2023
Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey: Presentation of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects" Analysis

PowerPoint presentation produced as part of "Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects" analysis for Western Balkans and Turkey. The analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region.

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03 May 2023
Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional Projects Funded within Civil Society Facility in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT)

A publication that provides a comprehensive picture of the state of play, capacities and needs assessment of civil society networks operating in the WBT region. Information is based on research focused on mapping CSO networking and regional Civil Society Facility (EU-CSF), as well as assessment of networks' actual capacities and their capacity-building needs and of those of CSOs for networking.

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03 May 2023
Brief Guide for Children

Manual produced as a result of Children's Rights and Principles of Child Participation Training for the CSOs in Turkey. The training aimed to promote Children's rights in the work of CSOs as well as child-led organizations and children in general. This manual is targeting child-led organizations and children in general.

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03 May 2023
Comprehensive Guide on Children's Rights and Principles of Child Participation

Manual produced as a result of Children's Rights and Principles of Child Participation Training for the CSOs in Turkey. The training aimed to promote Children's rights in the work of CSOs as well as child-led organizations and children in general. This manual is targeting CSOs whose main focus is children's rights and/or working with children, including CSO working particularly in the field of humanitarian aid, seasonal agricultural workers, refugees and the Roma population.

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