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03 May 2023
Social Impact Analysis Guideline

The Social Impact Analysis Guideline was developed within the scope of the Social Impact Analysis Training Program for Turkey which aimed to provide CSOs with guidance on social impact analysis, to provide practical skills to determine indicators specific to their main objectives and to enable them to internalize the practice of social impact analysis in a way that will become a part of their daily operations, ideally combined with good strategic planning. In addition to that, within the scope of the training programme, it was envisaged to clarify the concepts of “social impact analysis”, “monitoring and evaluation”, “outputs”, “results”, “indicators” etc. and to convey concrete examples and best practices of social impact analysis in Turkey and the world.

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03 May 2023
Final Report - Assessment of the State of the Enabling Environment and Capacities of Civil Society against the 2014-2020 Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement region for the year 2020

The report's main goal is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to actively participate in democratic processes and to stimulate an enabling environment for civil society and pluralistic media development. The project targets IPA Beneficiaries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The report focuses on the regional overview of the state of the civil society in IPA Beneficiaries assessed against the Guidelines objectives and indicators.

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03 May 2023
Management for Civil Society Organisations: Practical Tools for Development Organisation

The manual was written to enhance the internal capacities of CSOs and to achieve greater efficiency in their activities. The manual is focused on institutional and organizational development. It includes many practical examples from regional CSOs as well as from CSO from other countries.

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