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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Albania (2013)

The Albanian CSO sector is relatively underdeveloped. There are around 1600 registered CSOs, but roughly 450 of them are active (2011 surveys). Most active CSOs are located in Tirana which also has local offices and is active at the community level. In general, the membership base of associations is limited.

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05 May 2023
Guidelines on VAT Exemption Procedures for EU Funded Projects inthe IPA Countries (2011)

The guidelines are a form of instructions that are intended to ease the process of VAT exemption for newly awarded EU projects. The information within this set of guidelines is based on each country’s specific requirements in terms of VAT exemption for EU/IPA-funded projects.

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05 May 2023
Report on initial assessment of Serbia governmental institutions' practices for consultations with CSOs

TACSO Serbia office initiated the ASSESSMENT OF SERBIA GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS’ PRACTICES FOR CONSULTATION WITH CSOs. It is one of the activities within the general objective of the TACSO project that is to strengthen the overall capacities and accountability of the Civil Society organizations (CSOs) within the IPA beneficiaries and to guarantee the quality of services of CSOs and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the democratic process.

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05 May 2023
Transparency in Spending Local Public Funds for CSOs Activities

This document is presenting the research organized and conducted as a descriptive analysis to formulate conclusions and recommendations in the area of transparent funding of CSOs' work from the local budget in Serbia. This research is a part of the TACSO support for the development of a strong and influential Civil Society sector.

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05 May 2023
Annual Financial Report of Civil Society Organisations in Montenegro - 2010

Needs Assessment Report for CSOs in 2010 recognized the lack of transparency of CSOs. The report recommended further actions on improvement of CSOs' transparency. The main purpose of the publication “Annual Financial Reports of CSOs in Montenegro – 2010” is to contribute to the improvement of relations between civil society and external stakeholders.

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05 May 2023
Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Assessment Report - Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Needs Assessment methodology was designed to guide the assignment and represents a comprehensive set of activities and approaches that produced the key deliverables promptly, while also methodically reaching and engaging project teams in M&E functions and activities using experiential learning approaches aimed at strengthening their Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) capacity through the tailor-made training conducted by the Consultant.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Serbia (2011)

The report presents an update of a similar report carried out in 2009, not a comprehensive new research. Information provided is based on the desktop research of relevant documentation, including legal and financial legislation, policy documents, previous civil society mappings and research, insight into the Registry of CSOs, input produced by the Local Advisory Group (LAG) members as well as inputs provided by representatives of 48 CSOs during the consultation sessions organized in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš in mid-September 2011. Additionally, the report includes preliminary data of the current baseline survey on the CSO sector in Serbia in the period of August – September 2011.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Montenegro (2011)

The IPA Region CSO Environment and Capacities: Update of the Regional Needs Assessment and Recommendations Report represents a compilation of individual country Needs Assessment Reports from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey. Even though there are differences and specificities in the CSO environment and capacities among the countries covered by the project Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) in the Western Balkans and Turkey, a substantive regional perspective or unification may still be observed in all aspects that include the legal framework governing the registration and operations of the CSOS, government – CSO relations, government funding for the CSOs, human resources, external relations and material and financial capacities.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (2011)

This study is one of eight country needs assessments of civil society capacities conducted as a preliminary activity within the EC-funded project Technical Assistance to Civil Society (TACSO) in IPA Countries (EuropeAid/127427/C/SER/Multi/5 – additional services). The study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of civil society in Montenegro and the environment that it works in, including its strengths and weaknesses, its impacts to date and the challenges it faces to its further development.

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05 May 2023
Needs Assessment Report - Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011)

This study is one of eight country needs assessments of civil society capacities conducted as a preliminary activity within the EC-funded project Technical Assistance to Civil Society (TACSO) in IPA Countries (EuropeAid/127427/C/SER/Multi/5 – additional services). The study aims to provide an update on the comprehensive assessment of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was conducted in 2009. This updated study also contains new developments in the environment in which civil society operates. The study provides insight into the strengths and weaknesses of civil society, its impacts to date and the challenges it faces to its further development.

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