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05 May 2023
Report - Study visit to Croatia to review the participation of disadvantaged groups

Within the scope of sharing experiences with civil society in the Western Balkans, TACSO supported a study visit to Croatia to examine the mechanisms for the participation of disadvantaged groups in the constitution-building process. The study visit was designed as a part of the project “The Disadvantaged as an actor in the Constitutional Process” which is planned to be executed with the collaboration of ÖZEV, Öz-Ge Der and Cappadocia Women and Youth Association to ensure the active participation of women, children and people with disabilities to the constitutional process and related laws/regulations/statutes on a common platform.

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05 May 2023
Together we are stronger - report

Women’s Network Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with the TACSO BiH project implemented a conference on the process of strategic dialogue „Together we are stronger“ held on 21st and 22nd June 2012 in Sarajevo. This partnership event/conference was attended by 56 participants from 43 women’s organizations coming from 20 different municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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05 May 2023
Assessment Report on Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assessment Report on Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been produced to explore all the aspects of social entrepreneurship in regard to the legal framework, cases of good practices, cooperation and connections of social entrepreneurship and civil society organisations especially from the aspect of their sustainability as well as mapping of the key actors, both domestic and international which are active in the.

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05 May 2023
Keeping up the Momentum: Improving Cooperation Between Public institutions and Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Turkey

TACSO developed the concept for this report in the spring of 2012 and the report was researched and written by the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) in the summer and autumn of 2012. The report covers the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey and focuses on national policies as well as regional dimensions and mechanisms for cooperation between the two sectors.

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05 May 2023
Training Programme for Roma Youth CSO members in CSO Leadership, Antalya - Report

The CSO Leadership Training for Roma Youth Organizations was held in Antalya on 11-14 June 2012. Twelve participants participated in the training from different organizations from the provinces; Edirne, Hatay, Ankara and Istanbul. The participants gained practice on issues such as civil society, advocacy, and gender and intra-organizational democracy. The existing youth group called “Turkish Roma Youths” established a joint action plan with the participants from other groups in the training. Necessary steps were taken for organizing joint studies in the future.

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05 May 2023
Financial support of Public Institutions toNon-Governmental Organisations in Bosniaand Herzegovina in 2011

Overview of the financial support from BiH public institutions to NGOs in 2011. A series of studies on public confidence in various institutions conducted in recent years indicate, among other things, the low public trust in Non-Governmental Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are frequent complaints in the media about the non-governmental sector, which did not bring the desired changes while simultaneously allocation of substantial funds for this purpose is present from both foreign donations as well as from the public budgets.

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05 May 2023
Annual Financial Reports of Civil Society Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2011

The basic purpose of the publication ‘Annual Financial Report of Organisations of Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2011’ is to present to the broad public the results of the equated survey that the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD) has conducted among domestic non-government organizations (NGOs) with the basic purpose to collect relevant information on main sources, height and ways of spending of funds that NGOs have used to finance their regular statutory activities in 2011.

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05 May 2023
Cooperation Between Local Self-Governments and CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey

Regional progress report on the results of the National Activity Plans agreed upon during the conference on “Cooperation between Local Self-Governmental Institutions and CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, held in Bečići in February 2013.

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05 May 2023
Social Media for Social Good

Survey on Social Media and Civil Society Organisations in Croatia conducted in collaboration with the agency Lude ribe Ltd and EU Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) in IPA countries, Croatia Office, on 567 organizations, foundations, organizations and civic initiatives in Croatia.

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05 May 2023
Better cooperation - mutual interest: Report on relations between Media and CSOs in Kosovo

This report is prepared based on the perceptions and outcomes from interviews and questionnaires responded to by civil society organizations (CSOs) and media outlets in Kosovo. TACSO press clipping reports are also used to analyze the level of presence of CSOs in the media.

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