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05 May 2023
Technical Assistance to LACON in BiH

TACSO BiH provided technical assistance to LACON (Legal Anti Corruption Network) in BiH at the first training/workshop for capacity building of network members held on 22 February 2012 in Hotel Herzegovina, Ilidža. The purpose of the support was to assist in the following: establishment of the LACON network and facilitation of action planning.

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05 May 2023
Report - Study visit to Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs

TACSO BiH Local Advisory Group and TACSO BiH Team visited the Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, TACSO Croatia and Council for Civil Society Development and discussed the concepts for organizing the NGO days in Croatia mechanisms of the Council, models and transferable practices to BiH.

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05 May 2023
Report - Technical Assistance to Network 'Older Brother Older Sister'

TACSO BiH provided technical assistance in designing and delivering Strategic Planning for Network Stariji brat starija sestra (Older Brother Older Sister-OBOS) on November 2-3, 2011. The purpose of the intervention was to assist the Network in making important decisions on further steps of Older Brother Older Sister regarding the following: (1) the pros and cons of the Network's formal registration, (2) defining the work location and how the Network Secretariat should function, (3) defining membership conditions, (4) defining responsibilities and obligations of Network members, and (5) defining active membership monitoring mechanisms.

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05 May 2023
TACSO BiH Report on Educational Cycle on Project Proposal Writing-towards domestic/local sources of funding based on using logical frame approach (EU application procedure)

The education cycle aimed to enhance project proposal writing skills of civil society organizations representatives located out of bigger centers to increase the capacity of rural CSOs in understanding administrative and evaluation criteria for the selection of applications and to increase the number of small and rural CSOs to be able to diversify their fundraising portfolio.

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05 May 2023
Report - Federation of Caucasian Associations Meeting with Local Associations to Monitor the Constitutional Process

The Federation of Caucasian Associations (KAFFED) organized local meetings to strengthen their advocacy campaign and monitoring of the inclusion of the demands submitted to the Parliamentary Compromise Commission for New Constitution by Caucasian Communities. KAFFED met with its constituencies with the support of 61 local member CSOs and shared the details of the advocacy campaign via “Constitution Meetings”.

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05 May 2023
TACSO BiH Technical Assistance to Network for Building Peace

Process of strategic planning for Network for Building Peace, 28. – 30.3.2012., Hotel Bosnia, Sarajevo. Network for Building Peace (the Network) is aiming towards the comprehensive renewal of social and economic life in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to long-term enhancement of the whole society to deal with differences and conflicts in a constructive and non-violent way, in that way creating a framework for joint, coordinated activities of several civil society organizations, local government, business sector, media and governmental institutions.

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05 May 2023
TACSO BiH report on Educational Cycle on PCM/Project Proposal Writing-towards domestic/local sources of funding based on using logical frame approach

TACSO BiH completed Second Educational Cycle on PCM/ Project Proposal Writing-towards domestic/local sources of funding based on using a logical frame approach (EU application procedure for mostly rural-based and less experienced civil society organizations from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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05 May 2023
Report - Study visit to Croatia to review the participation of disadvantaged groups

Within the scope of sharing experiences with civil society in the Western Balkans, TACSO supported a study visit to Croatia to examine the mechanisms for the participation of disadvantaged groups in the constitution-building process. The study visit was designed as a part of the project “The Disadvantaged as an actor in the Constitutional Process” which is planned to be executed with the collaboration of ÖZEV, Öz-Ge Der and Cappadocia Women and Youth Association to ensure the active participation of women, children and people with disabilities to the constitutional process and related laws/regulations/statutes on a common platform.

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05 May 2023
Together we are stronger - report

Women’s Network Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with the TACSO BiH project implemented a conference on the process of strategic dialogue „Together we are stronger“ held on 21st and 22nd June 2012 in Sarajevo. This partnership event/conference was attended by 56 participants from 43 women’s organizations coming from 20 different municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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05 May 2023
Assessment Report on Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assessment Report on Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been produced to explore all the aspects of social entrepreneurship in regard to the legal framework, cases of good practices, cooperation and connections of social entrepreneurship and civil society organisations especially from the aspect of their sustainability as well as mapping of the key actors, both domestic and international which are active in the.

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