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16 Feb 2024
Skills for Non-Profit Organisations in the Western Balkans and Türkiye, 21 and 22 November 2023, Tirana, Albania

The central objective of the event was to foster collaboration among stakeholders in the non-profit sector, education, and government, spanning regions from the EU and the local area. The main objectives included promoting cooperation and collaboration across various actors, countries, and regions, identifying opportunities to formalise the recognition of non-profit skills within National Qualifications Frameworks.

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16 Feb 2024
EU Accession Negotiation Process Learning Exchange between CSOs from Montenegro and Serbia with CSOs from Albania and North Macedonia, P2P event, 30 - 31 March 2023

The overarching objective was to facilitate knowledge transfer among CSOs from Albania and North Macedonia, allowing them to glean insights from the best practices employed by their counterparts in Montenegro and Serbia during the EU accession negotiation process. The specific aims included fostering an understanding of diverse models and structures for civil society engagement in accession negotiations, familiarizing participants with effective approaches and practices in collaboration with governments during these negotiations and equipping them with applicable insights for their unique situations.

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16 Feb 2024
Digital Agenda and Digital Transformation 31st of October and 1st of November 2023

The one-and-a-half-day P2P event featured expert panel discussions, presentations, and interactive sessions. The event had a specific focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in CSOs’ operations. Participants engaged in discussions and sessions aimed at understanding the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI integration, to develop strategies to harness its power responsibly.

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16 Feb 2024
The Second Digital Agenda Consultative Meeting Contemporary Dynamics in Information Sharing, 8th of August, 2023

This meeting's specific objectives were finely tuned to inspect the utilisation of digital platforms for information sharing within CSOs. This involved a comprehensive analysis of how CSOs leverage platforms such as websites, social media, and online collaboration tools for information dissemination, evaluating the effectiveness of these platforms in reaching and engaging target audiences and identifying best practices and innovative approaches.

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