This training was organised by the EU TACSO 3 capacity-building team to develop further and build the capacities for monitoring FSTP grant contracts based on practical examples, case studies, and peer-to-peer learning. The key topics of the training related to phases of the monitoring process, site visits as monitoring tools, issues and challenges and interpretation of data collection and reporting.
View moreThe first CSO Governance Community of Practice Regional Meeting was organised in Belgrade, Serbia on 11 – 12 May 2023 with the purpose to initiate communication on: Good practices we have in the EU and in the region. Discuss capacity-building modalities that will fit the best to the needs of the CSOs and CSO networks implementing large and multi-country projects in the region. Initiate building of the community of practitioners interested in exploring the area of CSO governance including practices, knowledge, skills, documents etc. The event gathered 59 representatives of CSOs and CSO networks from the EU, Western Balkans and Türkiye and EU TACSO 3 team.
View moreThis training programme for CSOs in Turkey and Western Balkans aimed to highlight the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality by developing and implementing strategies, activities and practices that promote human rights, dignity, equality, non-discrimination, and social justice. The training also aimed to strengthen the organizational development of CSOs to internalise an inclusive perspective and HRBA by taking into account the principle of the intersectionality of rights. Additionally, it encouraged the adoption of a rights-based perspective and gender equality in all CSO activities, in particular humanitarian aid, giving-based activities, service provision in emergency response.
View moreThis training programme for CSOs in Turkey and Western Balkans aimed to encourage CSOs to integrate human rights principles and gender equality into their internal policies and operational activities. CSOs were also encouraged to become more inclusive and participatory in terms of respecting, protecting and fulfilling the full range of human rights.
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